Member Materials
General or miscellaneous materials, documents, and handouts that programs may find useful regarding their membership to Violence Free Minnesota.
2024 Supplemental DV/SA Point In Time (PIT) Count
Click here for Survey Instructions and FAQs
Vision Plan
Empower Our Future was Violence Free Minnesota’s vision plan, created in 2015. It is the result of two years of directed discussion among more than 100 people across the state. The plan addresses the question: “Based on where the field is today, how do we end relationship abuse in Minnesota?”
The outcome of the plan is that we return to the principle that sparked this movement: all relationship abuse work must be informed by and in response to survivors. This central principle informs the work of ending relationship abuse.
This summary provides highlights from the plan to Empower Our Future with more detail contained in the full report. Minnesota has the people, resources, expertise, and passion to continue leading innovation in the movement to end domestic violence.
Strategic Plan
Violence Free Minnesota engaged in Strategic Planning in 2018 to develop strategies to advance its mission and a concrete plan to direct implementation of its vision statement, core values, and vision plan.
Both the strategic planning process and the three-year vision statement development process
included 100+ individuals, including Violence Free Minnesota’s full board, staff, representatives from its 90+ member agencies, funders, and national and state domestic violence organizations.
The planning process included surveying member organizations and Violence Free Minnesota’s board and staff; interviews with four Board Members, three State Domestic Violence Coalitions, and an interview with the National Network to End Domestic Violence; as well as three planning retreats conducted between June and August 2018.
Words That Work​
As our organization has evolved, so has our language. While crisis and urgency messaging can work when used strategically, our history of crisis messaging has often cast the problem of intimate partner violence as too big to fix. By approaching our issue with asset-based language and a visionary framework, we can make movement to end relationship abuse.
2020 Supplemental DV/SA Point In Time (PIT) Count Webinar
University of Minnesota Research
​The UofM researchers have been looking at data on impact of COVID on survivors and the programs that serve them. They have data from Violence Free Minnesota’s member surveys, Day One, Standpoint, and the courts.
All Are Welcome
Domestic and sexual violence programs serve everyone experiencing violence in their relationship, regardless of immigration or citizen status. Violence Free Minnesota offers these informational flyers and images for use across Minnesota's communities.
Inclusive Shelter Practices
This flyer can be used by front-line advocates who are the first touch point for survivors seeking services. It is geared towards ensuring services are welcoming towards everyone regardless of their gender identity or sexuality.
Membership Handbook
The membership handbook is currently being edited and will be released soon. The handbook will include information about the coalition and the work we do, as well as financial information and membership benefits.
Tailored Messaging
In 2018, Violence Free Minnesota worked with Spitfire Strategies to update our messaging. The goal was for Violence Free Minnesota and its member programs to hone its messaging so current and prospective donors understand the depth and breadth of the causes of relationship abuse and what is required to prevent and end it. In this document, you will find Spitfire Strategies’ suggestions on how to improve messaging.
Brand Style Guide
How do we use our logo? What is our color palette? What words define our brand personality? Find answers to these important brand questions right here. As we lead together to end relationship abuse in Minnesota as Violence Free Minnesota (VFMN), it’s essential that we stay consistent in our look and copy tone. This guide will help you do just that. So, keep it close by and share it with anyone who touches the VFMN brand.
For specific logo or media requests please contact:
Joe Shannon, Communications Program Director, at 651-646-6177, ext. 112 or